Sales Sharks No More: 4 Chicago Companies Embrace a Consultative Sales Approach

For a long time in some companies, the “sales shark” persona represented the ideal salesperson — that is, someone who can sniff out weaknesses and remain aggressive, selling the customer something they may not want or need.

But times are changing, and the desire for sales sharks is sinking to the bottom of employers’ wish lists. Instead, many companies are recasting their sales team through a more consultative lens, prioritizing employees’ emotional intelligence and their ability to build authentic client relationships. 

Bolstered by a passion for their products and services, many sales leaders report lending their advice, knowledge and experience to customers in addition to selling their solutions. Through the creation of lasting relationships, companies found that clients were more likely to return, invest in larger projects and recommend their services to others. 

Built In spoke with four Chicago-based companies about their journeys to adopting and maintaining a consultative sales approach. 


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