Today is "National Day of Bulgaria"

Today, 3 March, Bulgaria's liberation is celebrated by its official recognition as an independent State in 1878. Bulgaria was liberated from the Ottomans on 3 March 1878 under the Treaty of San Stefano, where the war led to the re-establishment of the Bulgarian State.

March 3 is Bulgaria's largest national holiday and marks the date of the beginning of the third Bulgarian state in 1878 after the signing of its peace treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, which ended the Russian-Turkish war.

From this day, the first steps towards Bulgaria's establishment as a sovereign State have been taken. Has a number of rights to request recognition from States other than the signatories to the San Stefano Peace Treaty, as well as the right to international commercial relations; Conclusion of financial, administrative and legal contracts with the approval and approval of Turkey, in addition to the ownership of its own army and police.

In Bulgaria, there are currently more than 400 memorials preserved for Russians and Bulgarians. On 3 March each year, wreaths are laid at the Shipka Memorial and a military tribute to commemorate all Russian soldiers who died fighting for the liberation of Bulgaria.

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